The Secret of the Stone Frog - David Nytra

Wow! I am deeply in love with this. And like anything we love it makes me both intensely happy and intensely sad. I am happy that things like this are being produced - beautiful, painstaking artwork with a deceptively simple and delightful storyline that conveys deep, deep meaning about the perils of growing up. And then I'm sad and anxious because I wonder who will really read this. I mean it's been popping up all over the place so I have to assume it's being read by someone somewhere, but it's just so unique and hard to categorize that I worry! I worry that if this doesn't do well, there won't be more like it! I worry that I'll never get to experience anything by this artist ever again! Oh the anxiety of love!


A tiny example of some of the Little Nemo-esque awesomeness:



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