Dead End in Norvelt - Jack Gantos

Gosh, I'm having a hard time thinking of what to say about this book. When I put it down last night after finishing it I thought to myself, "Well that was really enjoyable. I liked it a lot, but I'm not sure I loved it." But I've been thinking about it most of today and I think I really do love it. It's a funny, funky, slightly subversive little novel with a unique storyline and a totally endearing cast of characters. Fact and fiction are woven together in a delightful way and often times it is hard to tell where one leaves off and the other begins. I'm not entirely sure that kiddos will get the 'message' here, but that's okay because I suspect they will appreciate the murder mystery aspect of the story much more than I did. In any event, I will be reading more by Gantos for sure!