The Princess Who Never Laughed - Walt Disney Company
This book was part of a sort of book of the month subscription that my parents got for me. I adored these books and have tracked down some of my favorite titles (i.e. the ones I remember the most). I've found many of them in used book stores over the years, but there are a few titles I haven't been able to find and so I've gone ahead and ordered them from amazon. I can't say these are the highest quality picture books, but they prove a theory for me that children need to be exposed to a variety of reading material to foster a love of reading. My father read me Mark Twain and Charles Dickens, but he also read me Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and these silly little Disney books. These books also came with some sweet Mickey Mouse bookends that I would just about die to still own! Anyway, these books remind me that it's okay to let Izzy pick out a Sponge Bob book every now and then ;-)