Unicorns! Unicorns! - Geraldine McCaughrean
Well, the illustrations are really really pretty....The story? I'd like to say blending the unicorn myth with Noah's Ark is unique, but I'm pretty sure I've seen it done before. I like that the unicorns are kind and selfless and help all the other idle/vain/lazy/clumsy animals get on the vessel. But I'm sure you know how that works out for the unicorns! How fair is that? Who knew Noah was such a tyrant? And the ending - seriously over the top syrupy sweet - kind of made me want to hurl. So, what I've discovered in my quest (so far) for the perfect unicorn storybook is that great illustrations abound, but no one can quite get the story right with out veering into overly sentimental, preachy rubbish.