The Rescuers - Margery Sharp, Garth Williams

Slightly dated, but completely charming! 


Besides having two similar mouse characters and a rescuing plotline, this barely resembles the 1970s Disney cartoon.  A third (and quite pivotal) mouse character is completely missing from the film as well as the chilling and unforgettable Black Castle Prison.  I loved how it was never quite clear WHEN this story was taking place and yet the various settings were so vividly described.  Who can ever forget the Head Jailer's quarters with walls covered with impaled butterflies? Reading this aloud with my daughter was really such a delight.  It was a bit slow to start, but really ramped up quickly and near the end we really couldn't put it down.  I find that so many more books start with a bang and peter out so I was delighted to experience the reverse.  Definitely try to find a version with illustrations by Garth Williams!